Monday, December 30, 2013

Down the rabbit hole

(This is turning out to be an active day.)

Reading this article, and especially the following quote, got me thinking.

"Not dissimilar from the RCA’s anxiety about contesting the Israeli Rabbinate on the question of conversion, many Modern Orthodox parents are in a quandary about what to do when their children come home talking about aliyah, abandoning Columbia or Penn for Yeshiva University or Touro College, or taking on dietary stringencies (e.g.halav yisrael) that makes eating in their parent’s home a complicated matter. Remember, we are not talking about Baalei Tesuvah who come home andkasher their mother’s treif kitchen. The parents of these returnees are alreadyOrthodox, that is, they live a life of halakhic observance that they take to be in accordance with Orthodox standards. Now they must contend with their children, in some way acting as surrogates for either “ultra-Zionist” or “Torah True” Orthodoxy (more on this below) who tell them they are not living fully halakhic lives. "

This is a good, even classic, example of the slippery slope that religious Judaism is facing. Become more religious than your parents and tell them that they are not properly halakhic. This of course means abandoning parental respect, basic manners, civil behavior, and the understanding that the Halacha, while meant also to guard against outside influences, is really less important than how it makes you behave as a person. You should be a light unto the nations, not a nitpicky lawyer.

This may be a bad analogy, but Judaism is like yeast in a container. It's a breathing mass, it grows, it changes character, it matures. It's not the container that matters but the living being inside it that does.

What happens if we follow this to the logical conclusion, of ever more strictures? Where do you stop? I spoke to a friend last Shabbos, who went from being Reform-raised to Satmar in a few years, about the eating habits of Jews in the Neturei Karta and the extremist Lev Tahor group. These Jews make the Satmar look not religious, according to my friend, and certainly won't eat in their homes.

Flour is triple-sifted for bugs. Chickens are not eaten, ever, because the religious Jews are afraid of all the 'genetic engineering' done to the chickens that may render them treif. No chicken eggs are permitted either; instead quail eggs are used. In bread-making, yeast is not used for fear that the ingredients used to grow the yeast were not kosher. Instead, grape juice is left to spoil, and then the resulting starter is used to make sourdough challah bread, with quail eggs instead of chicken eggs. (It is supposed to be quite good.)

Among Satmar Jews in New York, marriages to underage women are rare, but they do happen. The average age for women getting married is 17-19. 16 also happens. My friend had heard of a marriage between a 15-year-old girl and a 25-year-old man, and a marriage between a 14-year-old girl and a 17-year-old man. In the former case they did not let the girl finish school. At 14 or 15, the women are below New York's age of consent, so civil marriages are not performed. To receive benefits for single women, they say that they are living with their boyfriends and children in one apartment. Three-family homes are subdivided into five to provide kollel housing.

Among Lev Tahor, recently in the news for child abuse, the practice of forcing women to keep their socks on at all times led to their feet becoming completely infected with funguses. Additionally, my friend said that Lev Tahor actually practices malkot for punishments, i.e. lashes with a leather whip.

You can not become ultra-religious without also having increased child abuse, cheating of the government, and complete degradation of ethics and morals (especially morals). To those who would say that these are extreme examples, I would challenge with another question - Why is child abuse and exploitation of power so rampant among Jews and their rabbis? Why, when it is discovered, are complainants harassed, forced out of communities, and the offenses covered up?

I would much rather retain a connection to the so-called secular world, with ideas antithetical to Orthodox Jewry, then become more religious and rub shoulders with Jews who are basically the Erev Rav incarnate. The hypocrisy would be too much.

Is this where we are heading? I completely lost faith in Jews after hearing about what the extremists do. Not Judaism, just the people. By-and-large we are no different from the gentiles around us, so why are we special? Why do we deserve any special dispensation, from anyone?

If we become ever more religious, where is the line over which we shall not cross? What is the point of becoming ever more religious, if it only blinds us to the moral abuses within ourselves and our communities and imprisons us in halacha that servers more purpose? Where do we stop?

Edit: Changed title of Lev Hador to Lev Tahor

Shiduch dating versus the secular world

How religious Jews, and especially Modern Orthodox Jews, date is markedly interesting. This does not concern arranged marriages as the process is similar among different cultures and religions. I am not familiar with statistics on hookup culture among Modern Orthodox Jews, but presumably the numbers are very low.

Here's how it goes for secular (American) society:

Empowered women leave relationships for marriage till later, engaging in hookups instead. This does tend to lead to more rape:

"In a 2007 survey funded by the Justice Department of 6,800 undergraduates at two big public universities, nearly 14 percent of women said they had been victims of at least one completed sexual assault at college; more than half of the victims said they were incapacitated from drugs or alcohol at the time."

Communication takes place via texts. Chivalry is dying, smothered by egotistical concerns for the self, one's career, monetary issues of the fading middle-class, and a lack of manners. See this, but also see the comment, with 3400 Facebook likes, from a woman:

dude. Dude. DUDE! This is not a personal judgment, but this article comes off tonally as sexist and whiny. Do you have female friends? Did you discuss this with them? Because they could tell you that they have different desires and personalities and don't all behave in the same way because they happen to be female.

Chivalry is dead? GOOD. Stop treating women like delicate flowers who fart rainbows and aren't as interested in sex as men are, and start treating them like people. 

Head check, dude: women don't DESERVE anything except the respect that you would show an equal. Men paying for dinners was standard common procedure in a time where women were expected to be homemakers, not breadwinners. Dude, everyone wants sex. We're human, and there's nothing wrong with that. We also want intimacy and connection, but sometimes, we don't want a relationship. This is HUMAN, not male or female behavior.

Maybe your friends are dicks, but please don't extrapolate their behavior to make broad sweeping generalizations about cultural behavior as if everyone is participating in it; it's just sloppy writing.

(We'll leave my response to that for another time; suffice it to say it will be something like "So why is sex still so taboo?")

Once women achieve their professional goals and are ready to settle down for marriage, they are rudely awakened with the discovery that it's a buyer's market for men in that age: 

"''The women I know in their early 30s are just delusional,'' he says. ''I sometimes seduce them and sleep with them just because I know how to play them so well. It's just too easy. They're tired of the cock carousel and they see a guy like me as the perfect beta to settle down with before their eggs dry out … when I get tired of them I just delete their numbers from my cell phone and stop taking their calls … It doesn't really hurt them that much: at this point they're used to pump & dump!''

Men in their 40s are left out of the fun. Women also discover that for men used to hooking up, in an extremely mobile culture, it's pretty easy if the going gets tough to just pull up their roots and disappear, or divorce for that matter. It's a complicated situation, with many opinions, from "The War on Men" and fringe fathers' rights movements, to those of feminists (sorry for missing link proof).

Two decades ago, Allan Bloom had this to say about the matter in his seminal book "The Closing of the American Mind":

"The feminist response that justice requires equal sharing of all domestic responsibility by men and women is not a solution, but only a compromise, an attenuation of men's dedication to their careers and of women's to family, with arguably an enrichment in diversity of both parties but just as arguably a fragmentation of their lives. The question of who goes with whom in the case of jobs in different cities is unresolved and is, whatever may be said about it, a festering sore, a source of suspicion and resentment, and the potential for war. Moreover, this compromise does not decide anything about the care of the children. Are both parents going to care more about their careers than about the children? Previously children at least had the unqualified dedication of one person, the woman, for whom their care was the most important thing in life. Is half the attention of two the same as the whole attention of one? Is this not a formula for neglecting children? Under such arrangements the family is not a unity, and marriage is an unattractive struggle that is easy to get out of, especially for men."

Now for Modern Orthodox Jewish dating:

These Jews are surrounded by the pressure of modern society, and are yet apart from it in ways that those on opposite sides of the spectrum do not understand. Many times people abandon everything, or become much more religious, unable to straddle both worlds while remaining rationally and logically stable. They see their secular and non-Jewish friends in college hooking up but know that the pressure of family and religious friends keeps them from doing same. Sometimes they do it anyway, in secret, again building up the hypocrisy. Small wonder then that on every blog and newspaper articles are published of the death of Modern Orthodoxy in a depraved world in which it is easier than ever to keep all the strict laws of kashrut and Shabbat observance.

For these Jews, hookup culture does not exist or is minimal. Careers are what is important, with the understanding that matrimony may eventually come first, especially if a big family is in the works.

During college dating takes place through friends, chance encounters, etc. (An important disclaimer: I went to a college that is not filled with religious Jews as, for example, Yeshiva University, Touro, or some of the CUNY schools would be, so I don't know what it is like to date Jews while in college.)

After college, bereft of the bar-hopping dating scene, women and men may turn to online dating, or  Shiduch dating, where professional matchmakers set people up. This network is spread out, often relying on email chains and primitive BBS-type websites solely for the distribution of 'resumes', profile information about a potential mate's family, parents, education, and profession. Sometimes there is a personal blurb, but otherwise very little on which to base a decision to call and devote some time to the person. Relationships come first, then love (or so it is hoped).

The process begins with a woman's profile being shown to a man. If he agrees, the profile is shown to a woman, who must agree to see him for the process to continue. It is formalized and devoid of spontaneity.

Marriages are mostly in the early 20s, at which point both parents continue to work or the woman drops out to take care of her kids, a job helped by the extremely common female professions of physical or occupational therapies, and the man continues as the breadwinner. Divorce rates are low.

And yet, there is little grounding for these men and women in what it means to love and how a relationship is built. They lack any experience in how to talk to men or women with the eventual goal of marrying them or how to hold a person's interest. Maybe they just give up

So I say to you, which method is better?

The importance of being earnest

The basic limitation of Twitter is how hard it is to condense your thoughts into 140 characters. That number is too small to really say anything meaningful. For example: I showed some kids some camellia flowers, which are basically little novelty fireworks that, when lit, begin to spin very quickly from the propulsive power of the burning fuse, looking similar to this: 

They are very small and basically as harmful as a lit match, though they probably burn hotter. For some reason they are illegal. A man walked by, whom we know, and immediately said "You will go to jail for that". Contrast this to another man who said, upon seeing me give a small color pearl repeater to some kids, "just be careful; I don't want to spoil the fun, since when I was the same age something like that would be very fun". 

So it condenses to: there are three types of people - those who say "It's illegal", those who say "That could be dangerous, please don't do it because you'll get hurt", and those who say "You're going to jail for that". 

Avoid person type three.

Now, how do you condense this to 140 characters? 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Another burning question that probably no one will answer

Given that most people aren't supermen/women, if Halakha prohibited something, what was the likelihood that the Halakha was violated anyway? It is hard to believe that the shtetl dwellers of the past 500 years were all holy people. Thus, was their violation of halacha due to ignorance or the understanding that in this case halakha would need to be violated? How was abstinence / contraception used and practiced in Europe, North Africa, Persia, the Middle East, etc. among Jews of the last thousand years? There must be an answer that does not rely solely on the differing opinions of Rabbis down the ages. 

Burning questions that no one knows how to answer

1. How are you supposed to have sex for reproductive purposes only, according to Halakha, and yet also bring the most pleasure to your wife, using toys as well as your own skills? How do we properly compromise between creating children in the right and holy manner and satisfying our/our spouses urges? If you believe in not having a gigantic family, under what circumstances is it permitted to use your own choice with regard to contraception (not talking about customs or asking the Rabbi)?

Most answers I've ever seen are very strict one way or the other, nor can you find a good book that lays out the strict halachic positions, then goes on to discuss what you will violate with modifications of the standard rules (violate, guilt trip, then move on). Maurice Lamm never answers the question directly. The answer isn't in the Eight Questions either. Contraception, used by many if not most, is not discussed openly, because it's forbidden. Presumably no one wants to mention that Leviticus 18 and 20 technically do not exclude women, i.e. lesbian relationships (let's leave out what the New Testament and Catholics say). People also do not know about the permission granted by the Talmudic sages to newly-wed couples to engage in anal sex (found in Nedarim). Also this link has more information.

2. Are donations by Jews to sperm banks permitted given that the seed is not wasted? If only one out of millions of sperm cells makes it into the ovum anyway, on the rare case when a woman is perfectly fertile, then what are you wasting with masturbation in the first place?

3. Is bread baked by a non-Jew acceptable?

This one is thorny and every compendium of ideas and opinions about it is different. There are enough opinions to say that non-Jewish bread is fine, except that no book ever says it out-and-out. Recently I found that in Yoreh Deah 112, where bread is discussed, that if the higher quality bread is the one that is not baked by Jews, it is preferable to lower-quality, kosher bread. This means that given the ingredient list put on the plastic wrappers of fresh-baked bread, such as at Whole Foods, such bread must be perfectly fine to eat (provided it has not been glazed with egg). In fact it would be better than the usual stuff made at most kosher bakeries, with no salt, lots of egg, and always white wheat.

4. Why do so many Jews prefer to say blanket NO to questions, rather than discover loopholes and permissions?

When I ask a question such as "If you wanted to go to a bar with friends on Friday night, how would you go about it?" the answer must not only be "no, you simply can't"; rather, it should also include reasons to allow it. Frequently rabbis of today's generation can not think outside a paradigm, or are afraid of something. (And they wonder why youthful Jews abandon religion so fast.)

Let's try to break the above down, as I have in fact done so on at least two occasions. The typical reason for saying no is that it is not in the spirit of Shabbat, which is completely valid. But you still want to go, so what to do?

Preparing for Friday night - Accept Shabbat early. Pray before. Have a Shabbat meal as dinner substitute (invite your friend and bring mevushal wine) or after the bar hopping.

Getting there - No way around it, you have to walk. In the past I have walked a round trip of over six miles on a Friday night to attend a concert. Make sure you are wearing comfortable shoes, and drink up before going, as there will likely be no eruv and so you can't carry water.

IDs - putting them in a plastic bag attached to your belt, is not actually permitted. Another, permitted method is to loop a string around your waist, and attach the id directly. I think that technically wearing a lanyard with an attached ID around your waist would be fine.

Drinks - Give someone familiar money beforehand, or arrange it later. Best to discuss this before you go for your long walk. To ask for a drink at the bar, say "it would be nice if such-and-such could be had", to be completely halachically acceptable. I think it is irrelevant that a waiter or your friend is nearby. Upon receiving the drink, if in a building no worries, otherwise stand while drinking it, or walk no more than four amot at a time, as this is a suitable emergency. (One especially kind person asked for more drinks on my behalf, as he had been exposed to Jewish quirks before. He got a bottle of 15-year scotch as a thank you, a few days later.)

Do you see any religious teacher giving you that kind of advice? I don't think so.

5. If you go to the house of a friend (who was brought up Modern Orthodox) for dinner and drinks before a singles event, and discover that the Caesar dressing being used on the salad is not kosher, as is the cheese being sprinkled on the lasagna, do you simply not eat anything and assume everything is not kosher, or do you eat anyway? If you decide to go down the rabbit hole of checking other people's kashrut, where does it stop? If you don't decide to go that way, where do you draw a line?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Today's performance

Well this is not a daily thing, it seems. Nonetheless, today's item to listen to is "Der Rosenkavalier", a very popular comic opera based on a libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, and composed by Richard Strauss in 1911.

Also, this performance features Kiri Te Kanawa as Marschallin.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

The Rest is Noise

I have begun reading Alex Ross's "The Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century", about which it is written:

'“The Rest Is Noise” is a work of immense scope and ambition. The idea is not simply to conduct a survey of 20th-century classical composition but to come up with a history of that century as refracted through its music.'

Now, although Alex Ross has added pages of sound files to accompany the text (here), I'd like to do it myself. Every day (hopefully), I will add a piece that is mentioned in the text, in linear order of course, and try to add what Alex Ross wrote.

Today we'll start with Salome, by Richard Strauss, which opens the first chapter of the book.

Update: Salome Leitmotif - 

...which becomes

...towards the end.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013


These days I post mostly on Twitter, so it's quiet here for now. I will say that Twitter does not lend itself to long discussions, however.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The balcony this week

The tomatoes have exploded. There is no other word for it. Now drinking a gallon of water a day, they create a cupful of suckers every day that need to be snipped or plucked off to put plant energy into food production and not leaves. Next time it'll be just one plant in a 14-gallon tote. Or I'll just go with more cucumbers, which have been producing roughly 4 cucumbers every two weeks. At that rate, four cucumber plants would suffice (extra for redundancy) to supply cucumbers for the spring, making me for the first time truly self-sufficient in one product at least.

It's a jungle out there

The cucumbers are growing nicely up the twine trellis. The fruit in the lower right, a bit dark, doubles every day. I'll probably harvest it in a week.

Growin' to the sky

 Maybe there should be a small cage around the edges so that toads and lizards can be put in to live in and among the plants. How about a fountain, eh? A pond? I'm already planning to suspend vinyl fence posts from the railing to expand the growing space, in an ebb-and-flow system. We'll see how that goes. There definitely will be another system to grow Ichiban eggplants soon too. If they take up too much space the mint's going to have to be suspended from the railing as well. Future plans include terracing pots or a stepped hydroponic system down the stairs, cuz I need more space (!). Onward.

Friday, May 03, 2013


Fresh from a coworker. It's an Asian variety called "Green Dragon". Nothing like store-bought cucumbers - the skin is soft and not bitter. It will go into tzatziki tomorrow.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Musical Palindromes (and more)

In the minuet in Haydn’s Symphony No. 47, the orchestra plays the same passage forward, then backward.

The enigmatic Canon 1 and 2 from J. S. Bach's Musical Offering (1747). The manuscript depicts a single musical sequence that is to be played front to back and back to front.

An example of a crab canon (from Wikipedia):

File:Crab canon.png

There is also a palindrome in Hindemith's Ludus Tonalis: the Postludium is an retrograde inversion of the Praeludium.

A page from the original edition. Drawings are by Hindemith himself, for his wife.
More here:

Friday, April 19, 2013

Memory is an interesting concept

As you can see below, I obviously forgot posting the same thing, nearly word for word, on Monday. So here's some prime loquats instead:

Dewberry Season (Alright, blackberry)

With loquat season possibly past the peak, we are nearly upon dewberry season. The pickings this year promise to be better than last year's, in part because of higher rainfall. Here's a start:

Monday, April 15, 2013

Dewberry (Alright, blackberry) Season

Loquat season is in full swing, and now comes dewberry season, a bit late this year, almost upon us now:

What was found yesterday
After the synagogue in the area perniciously mowed down the blackberry patches two years ago just on the cusp of the year's picking season, all so that they could get to the eruv poles, the patches just haven't been the same again. The drought also really hurt them as well. Mowing continues several times a year, and I hope it won't happen for this next month, because the berries seem to be making some comeback. These were picked yesterday, while trying to avoid the large stands of poison ivy interlaced with the berries. They were very sweet.

Blackberry-Picking by Seamus Heaney
Late August, given heavy rain and sun
For a full week, the blackberries would ripen.
At first, just one, a glossy purple clot
Among others, red, green, hard as a knot.
You ate that first one and its flesh was sweet
Like thickened wine: summer's blood was in it
Leaving stains upon the tongue and lust for
Picking. Then red ones inked up and that hunger
Sent us out with milk cans, pea tins, jam-pots
Where briars scratched and wet grass bleached our boots.
Round hayfields, cornfields and potato-drills
We trekked and picked until the cans were full
Until the tinkling bottom had been covered
With green ones, and on top big dark blobs burned
Like a plate of eyes. Our hands were peppered
With thorn pricks, our palms sticky as Bluebeard's.
We hoarded the fresh berries in the byre.
But when the bath was filled we found a fur,
A rat-grey fungus, glutting on our cache.
The juice was stinking too. Once off the bush
The fruit fermented, the sweet flesh would turn sour.
I always felt like crying. It wasn't fair
That all the lovely canfuls smelt of rot.
Each year I hoped they'd keep, knew they would not.

Potatoes keep on Growing

The potatoes just keep on growing. They've now reached nearly a full foot in height, and though 3/4 of a bag of potting soil went to hill them up it still wasn't enough.

The smart pot has now been fully rolled up and still the potatoes keep on growing. This might not be enough, I might have to build a pot around the smart pot and keep adding soil...

My Hydroponic Setup

Before moving to the new apartment I immersed myself in reading about hydroponics, realizing that growing plants in water lent itself well to small spaces and was also cleaner, without the mess of soil or soilless gardening. I bought a 5-gallon bucket, fitted it with a bulkhead fitting and clear tubing to measure water level, and tried to grow brussels sprouts in the winter. That did not work.

On the balcony, in the spring, I planted one cucumber plant in the bucket. An additional 14-gallon tote now houses five Juliette tomatoes, which produce Roma-type fruit. Here are two pictures:

Since the picture above was taken, the plants have nearly doubled again. String netting is tied to the balcony railing, and the plants will be trained and tied to it. Both are DWC systems. The five-gallon bucket has an up-to-20 gallon pump, which is probably the reason for the cucumber plant's exceptional growth. The 14-gallon tote has three air hoses running from a 3.7 litre/minute pump, spaced evenly along the bottom. I use a pre-formulated fertilizer made for water that has about 200-300 ppm, like most  tap water in Houston. The bag was expensive, but it will last for a long time. For cold nights there is a water heater for the cucumber, which keeps the water temperature at 68. Water ppm is currently held at about 1000, with pH between 6.0 and 6.8 (it varies).

As you can see, the tomato roots are growing really well. Later on in growth, the 3.7 litre/minute pump, which has a dial to modulate the amount of air moving through the pipes, might be replaced with the other pump, which has an awesome capacity of 15 litres/minute. I will see what that does to the growth. At this point the most important next step is to make sure that the low amount of sunlight the balcony currently receives is sufficient for fruiting, and purchasing a good bilge pump to be able to replace the water without plant root death.

Monday, April 08, 2013

Spring is in full bloom

This year, having moved out and left behind a few plants, I added to their number by planting 10 seed potatoes in large smart pots, which are fabric pots that can be folded over. They allow for effective growing of potatoes. Here's a picture of the rapidly-growing plants (with the spirit of sugarcane!):

Running out of soil with which to "hill" them

And here's a rare red passionflower spotted on a neighbor's fence:

Friday, April 05, 2013

Cooking for Shabbos (and a garden pic)

So Last night I started to cook at 8 and finished near 2. First came the baguette (first time ever), of which only one was made for lack of time. It went to a coworker today. Then came the Challah, getting ever better:

After that, or in between, as the resting period was so long, I prepared potatoes for the forager's pie, which Mom made for Pesach, and cooked onions with mushrooms. The coleslaw was prepared, and the loquat jam was made. Loquat jam came out alright, but much too thick. Sunday's version will be a bigger batch and will have more liquid. Gave away a pint to a colleague at work.

All lovely

The cucumbers and tomatoes will grow up a twine trellis attached to the balcony railing.


Pesach was fun. I'd put more but work is getting in the way.

Monday, March 25, 2013

SXSW tales - Friday and Sabbath

Another late wake up, and we were off to the Urban Outfitters concert. Shopped Urban Outfitters, then Gio had to leave urgently on a MegaBus.

We then repaired back to the apartment. I prepared for the Sabbath, this time with proper accoutrements like Shabbos Candles, pre-boiled hot water in a thermos, Challah, kiddush cup and grape juice, etc. Instead of starting the party early the people I was staying with decided to actually have a normal meal for once, so the menu included marinated chicken with kale and tomatoes for them, plus challah, salad, and cold cuts for me. The wine was had then as well, all by candlelight (and the sound of "Blue Velvet" on the TV - what a strange movie).

Afterwards, I walked to downtown with an ID in a plastic bag attached to the pants belt, passing immense traffic and numerous revelers, but interestingly enough fewer SXSW attendees, perhaps because they were outnumbered by Friday-night people. Once my hosts arrived (by car), we waited in line to see The Savages with trepidation as badge holders were admitted first. Nardwuar got to bypass the line. Eventually we got in, just before people were about to start climbing the fence.

Savages - Husbands:

Very intense sound.

Then came Youth Lagoon.

Merely okay. Probably an acquired sound.

Looked like this at the concert, right in front of me:

Then, knowing it'd be a long walk, I headed back and accidentally took a shortcut through 6th Street. Much too crowded. Collapsed upon entry to apartment, but cheered up soon, and that Friday.

Saturday - Hosts went to six hours of concert at Urban Outfitters. I prayed, ate, slept, walked around campus to see the bluebonnets. Walked three steps, then stopped, then again, to be able to carry Don Quixote to  a hill and read 150 pages of it. Most delightful afternoon on a college campus ever. Not quite like that, ever, at University of Houston. Walked back to apartment, read some more and waited for hosts to return. They were exhausted, and without Gio it was no fun, so we stayed in and had a "house party" instead of seeing more SXSW acts. Thus, I did not get to see New York Gypsy All Stars, Steffaloo, or TOKiMONSTA. We played 21 questions and just generally vegged. I managed to make a Bloody Mary with some supplies of alcohol and V8, though the Rum Fizz wound up all over the kitchen.

Post-Sabbath analysis - No Eruv is a bummer. The jury is still out on whether it is permissible to carry outside of an Eruv using the emergency 1-2-3-stop method (to avoid walking more than four amot), in a situation other than an Eruv. Lack of Chumash to read the Torah portion is a problem, but if you read at least the first aliyah it's probably better than nothing. Food was fine, plus I brought along a cutting board, knife, candlesticks plus candles for the candlelighting, and also a havdalah candle. The kiddush cup was the top off a thermos (round). I poured the wine myself during the communal meal, and thus all was OK. One problem was lack of napkins, and tearing off paper towels with your elbows is barely a permissible substitute. (And issues with the prohibition of Yichud were avoided with the multiple windows in the house [yes that's an issue too]).

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A short interlude for garden items

Spring has arrived in full now, and the mints have exploded with new growth. A shame I didn't repot them earlier because now I have to give up on lots of great new leaves. Yesterday five Juliette F1 tomatoes were planted (on a whim) in the formerly basil hydroponic setup, and a cucumber (bought also on a whim) was planted in place of the mint, which will be donated to the Horticulture Society. We'll see how a non-gynoecious cucumber produces (I hope it is otherwise of course).

The pots were re-arranged, and the strawberry was thrown out (eyes averted) to make way for other plants. The problem is that there still needs to be space for at least one basil plant, to be planted ASAP, and at least one eggplant, and that space is not there. Also an oregano.

During Passover it is forbidden to plant, so I'm doing all the work before Passover.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A real SXSW write-up - Thursday

A late wake-up and off to downtown again, this time over to the eastern/run-down side of downtown Austin. I left my friends waiting for a concert at 4 PM and walked to UT again to take pictures of the campus, practicing focusing with the phone camera and generally refilling on UT again.

One of the many posters
for day parties, scattered
around Austin.
Visited the turtle pond. Also bluebonnets!

 The turtles love to cluster on top of each other in the middle of the very crowded pond, or...

...swim around underwater, or even...

...sun themselves on the ledge. They are rather tame, even allowing themselves to be touched. There are always visitors at the pond, many aiming for that perfect shot.

I wandered over to check the biology greenhouses, noted with satisfaction the great growth of the tangerine tree since last year, and walked on.

The one on the left is shot with a Powershot A630, focal length 7.3 mm at 1/640 and f/4.0. The right is the best of the focusing experiments done with a phone camera, at focal length 4.6 mm, ISO 100, 1/1486s and f/2.4. Neither accurately describes the beauty of that day.

How best to get the concrete
ledge with the building in
the background...

Then it was over to Whole Foods for dinner, with the massive green wall to keep me company.

There are bromeliads in the upper left! How do they do that??

One of many open-topped official party/band buses (there were some seedier ones too)

The last photo is a reminder of what it's like in an actual brick-and-mortar music store (Waterloo Records). You just can't stumble upon the complete set of Jean Sibelius' works on Amazon. (Hint hint.)

Wandered around 6th street again, saw Brothers-in-Law at B.D. Riley's, and discovered their "Sweet Tea Vodka Lemonade" on a whim.

Later saw the backstage of a Houston rapper, Master P, (see review here):

...and payed $5 to see the porch of the place where Gepe had just played. We all took a shortcut across the capital, and played hooky with some streetlights.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A real SXSW write-up - Wednesday

After seeing the posts of the person at whose apartment I stayed at for the colloquially-known "southby", or South By Southwest, I couldn't help but do an actual write-up of the five days spent in Austin. I haven't done something like this for years, but perhaps it will help with writing practice, plus act as a showcase to more fully explain the photos from the last post.

So here I sit at work, reminiscing, listening to the music of a band called Houses, seen performing outdoors at an Urban Outfitters below.

(The music in the link is from their upcoming album to be released in mid-April). When they played I didn't really like it, but now I kind of do.

I stayed at the apartment of a friend's semi-demi-girlfriend (it's complicated), plus the friend and the co-director of Coog Radio, Alex. Plus there were also the roomate and occasionally her boyfriend, so it was a crowded affair. I also spent Shabbat there, the subject of a whole post itself. The apartments were on the campus of St. Edward's University, a small private college with great views of downtown Austin and beyond, as well as plenty of beautiful trees and photogenic buildings. The block I was in had similar enough apartments for me to confuse one with the other, such as when I accidentally walked into 23 instead of 21, found a tv instead of my stuff, and ran quickly away. (Incidentally, #24 gets fresh russet potatoes delivered to it in a bag.)

So, Wednesday I arrived, reading Don Quixote in a Quixotic attempt to catch up with my dad in our simultaneous reading of the great book while waiting to be directed to the proper apartment. A beautiful day, as were all the days in Austin (warm during the day, cold at night, and always windy or breezy).

Once directed, I settled in and shortly thereafter we were off, to a free show/party at a bar called Lipstick, where we heard the end of Goldroom's act and saw all of one of Empress Of's many shows. (Somewhat underwhelming, if only because live acts are so much louder than recordings.) Probably should have stayed for mØ (, which seems to be an up-and-coming band.

I then walked up to UT Hillel, where there was a kosher food truck, and had a prepared meal (oh so rare), after which it was back to 6th street.

Saxophone plus pipe? Hmm. 
And on the right we see a rather typical SXSW go-er, always rushing to fit in more concerts.

Evening saw a trip over to the east side of downtown Austin to see Cheers Elephant. Got there a bit early and got this band performing:

Don't remember the name.

And then came Cheers Elephant, who played "Leaves" and a few others. Great performance and I really should have gone to the other shows they had. I've would up purchasing a physical CD of one of their albums.

A major element of SXSW is the food trucks, one of which is seen below. You could spend the entire festival just trying out different products, all day long. Several parks of food trucks were dotted around downtown.

And finally 6th Street at night

Monday, March 18, 2013

The best of the Camera photos

These are from the days I spent in Austin for SXSW, from the Powershot camera. Just a straight dump, since it's so hard to choose.