Friday, April 05, 2013

Cooking for Shabbos (and a garden pic)

So Last night I started to cook at 8 and finished near 2. First came the baguette (first time ever), of which only one was made for lack of time. It went to a coworker today. Then came the Challah, getting ever better:

After that, or in between, as the resting period was so long, I prepared potatoes for the forager's pie, which Mom made for Pesach, and cooked onions with mushrooms. The coleslaw was prepared, and the loquat jam was made. Loquat jam came out alright, but much too thick. Sunday's version will be a bigger batch and will have more liquid. Gave away a pint to a colleague at work.

All lovely

The cucumbers and tomatoes will grow up a twine trellis attached to the balcony railing.

1 comment:

Helena Kerzner said...

Very impressive challot!