Thursday, March 21, 2013

A short interlude for garden items

Spring has arrived in full now, and the mints have exploded with new growth. A shame I didn't repot them earlier because now I have to give up on lots of great new leaves. Yesterday five Juliette F1 tomatoes were planted (on a whim) in the formerly basil hydroponic setup, and a cucumber (bought also on a whim) was planted in place of the mint, which will be donated to the Horticulture Society. We'll see how a non-gynoecious cucumber produces (I hope it is otherwise of course).

The pots were re-arranged, and the strawberry was thrown out (eyes averted) to make way for other plants. The problem is that there still needs to be space for at least one basil plant, to be planted ASAP, and at least one eggplant, and that space is not there. Also an oregano.

During Passover it is forbidden to plant, so I'm doing all the work before Passover.

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