Thursday, November 23, 2017

Projects so far - 1

Set up and configure conky for immediate inclusion in all future Kali installs (!!), like this

Well that's done:

Obtain links to (cough cough) videos on a website, write a bash script to download everything.

Done. Let BurpSuite run for a bit, and saved all the links I wanted. The bash script reads the txt file with the links and feeds them to hls-fetch one by one. One-off of course, so probably I'll break it up.
Convert TS files into an MP4 after all.

 Not yet, will do eventually.

Learn enough PHP to make a web app to avoid having to login to the Plex Server Pi everytime I want to download something new

Turns out this is rather difficult. See my previous post about alltube.

Sanitize old pentesting reports - in progress

Finally finish my wireless sharing Pi Zero project (the existing Pi zero didn't like getting jostled across the US of A and died)

After struggling with getting USB wifi dongles such as the RT5370 and Edimax to work, I'm temporarily abandoning this project on the Pi Zero. The first zero wasn't actually dead, just the SD card had stopped working. So there goes the original form factor idea, which was to get it to fit inside a wallet. Tried instructions meant for a Pi 3 on a Pi 2 Model B v1.1 and had to redo the sd card. 

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