Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Brain dump time - Planned projects

Lest I forget my project plans, here is a current list on my mind:

0. Set up and configure conky for immediate inclusion in all future Kali installs (!!), like this
1. Rsync to backup all raspberry pis daily to NAS
2. Obtain links to (cough cough) videos on a website, write a bash script to download everything.
2a. Convert TS files into an MP4 after all.
3. Learn enough PHP to make a web app to avoid having to login to the Plex Server Pi everytime I want to download something new
4. Sanitize old pentesting reports
5. Work reports
6. Read 2017 Verizon DBIR report
7. Read Wi-foo book
8. Clean-up Munin install
9. Update base images of VMs
10. Finally finish my wireless sharing Pi Zero project (the existing Pi zero didn't like getting jostled across the US of A and died)
11.  Plunge into the Edgerouter X, break everything, and cry miserably when it doesn't work (e.g. move fast and break things)
12. Learn how to use Graylog and extract cool data from nzyme.
13. Read this ICS/SCADA primer again and actually look into some of the protocols.
14. Keep listening to Professor Messer Network+ videos (in mp3 format) while working out at the gym

And finally, setting up a VM environment for the lab discussed here:

And also considering implementing EAP-PEAP on my home network for practice with this lab. 

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