Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Playing with hls-fetch - part deux?

The site that I'm using hls-fetch for has teaser videos for non-members and full videos for members. The naming structure is quite similar with the exception of a little something extra on the tail end of the URL. Since I can't predict what the full URL will be, a different route is to spider the listing of videos using BurpSuite spider, then right click to copy all the URLs in the discovered pages, and take out the m3u8 files and the subtitle files for later extraction.

Next, I'll write a quick bash script to read files line by line and download everything, via a handy Raspberry Pi Plex server, to a NAS. Currently If it detects an existing TS file, hls-fetch will helpfully skip it.

I also found that VLC recognizes TS files without needing to convert them to MP4.

Note: Lest anyone get any funny ideas, the site is for streaming music videos. I'm intentionally vague to avoid letting the word out.

P.S. On a different note, check out the ultimate wardriving (warwalking?) rig:


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