Thursday, November 23, 2017

Installing alltube on a Raspberry Pi 3

1. Assuming you already have apache2, otherwise:

 sudo apt-get install apache2  

(and whatever else is needed for apache2 or custom /etc/apache2/apache2.conf or sites-enabled/000-default.conf)

2. Obtain the package on this page and unzip into /var/www/html folder:


 sudo apt-get install libapache-mod-jk-doc libapache-mime4j-java php5-curl rtmpdump  

 sudo apt-get install php5 php5-intl libapache2-mod-php5  

 sudo rm /var/www/html/index.html  

 sudo mkdir /var/www/html/config/  

 sudo nano /var/www/html/config/config.yml  

 # Path to your youtube-dl binary  
 #youtubedl: vendor/rg3/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/  
 youtubedl: /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl  
 # Path to your python binary  
 python: /usr/bin/python  
 # An array of parameters to pass to youtube-dl  
   - --no-playlist  
   - --no-warnings  
   - --playlist-end  
   - 1  
 # True to enable audio conversion  
 convert: true  
 # Path to your avconv or ffmpeg binary  
 # I commented out the included avconv as it is already installed for use with Plex on the same device  
 # avconv: vendor/bin/ffmpeg  
 avconv: /usr/bin/avconv  
 # Path to your rtmpdump binary  
 rtmpdump: vendor/bin/rtmpdump  
 # True to disable URL rewriting  
 uglyUrls: true  
 # True to stream videos through server  
 stream: false  

This worked, but the download speed of the completed file is oddly much slower than the intranet network speeds 10 MB/s vs 90 kb/s. So for now I've settled on, (edit) which has all sorts of options and also works with playlists, and download the music to a connected NAS folder for later transfer to the Plex server on the Pi. Probably will set up a script on the NAS to periodically check the folder for files and move them over directly.

Second update: The bookmarklet idea here, preserved below, is cute and I'll be sure to try it out someday:
My quick and dirty equivalent:

Saved as ytdl.php, with the youtube-dl binary in the same directory.
I then put the following bookmarklet on my browser toolbar:
Which works like a charm.

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