Saturday, December 24, 2005


There is something that most people are familiar with. It's called Windows Operating System, and comes in various forms, such as Windows 2003, Windows XP, etc. There is also something called Linux. It is a different operating system, which has several (in my opinion) big plusses over Microsoft Windows. For one, it is much more stable, which means that it is much less likely to ceash, and it utilizes the concept of workspaces. Let's say you have several windows open - 2 of Microsoft Word or Writer and 3 Internet browsers. In Linux, you can, if you want to, put the document-related applications in one workspace, and all the Internet browsers in another. Linux (at least Fedora Red Hat version) has 4 workspaces. It is important thp remember that Linux was built by many different people with many ideas, to put it that way, and that is why it has approximately 100 different screensavers to choose from, not to mention the 30 or so games that come with the package if you decide to get Linux installed on your computer. let's not forget the applications that allow one to, for example, learn new languages, link your telescope to the computer to search for stars in the night sky, stick mathematical formulas into word documents, and the hoi polloi of other interesting, exciting, and novel things to do there. For those who want it, there are programs called crossovers which allow one to use Windows based things like IE and Powerpoint in Linux. It so happens that Fedora Core is free, and so, I think, is SUSE, Mandrake, and the host of other different versions of Linux. Think about getting Linux.
P.S. I would love comments to this blog, for I am certainly not an expert on Linux.

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