Saturday, December 24, 2005

morning glory

morning glory
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.
"Heavenly Blue" Morning Glory

Just look at it

My picture.
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.
Success!!! With a Flickr account, i can now upload pictures to my blog. Finally, after so much exhaustive work, I have found how to do this.


There is something that most people are familiar with. It's called Windows Operating System, and comes in various forms, such as Windows 2003, Windows XP, etc. There is also something called Linux. It is a different operating system, which has several (in my opinion) big plusses over Microsoft Windows. For one, it is much more stable, which means that it is much less likely to ceash, and it utilizes the concept of workspaces. Let's say you have several windows open - 2 of Microsoft Word or Writer and 3 Internet browsers. In Linux, you can, if you want to, put the document-related applications in one workspace, and all the Internet browsers in another. Linux (at least Fedora Red Hat version) has 4 workspaces. It is important thp remember that Linux was built by many different people with many ideas, to put it that way, and that is why it has approximately 100 different screensavers to choose from, not to mention the 30 or so games that come with the package if you decide to get Linux installed on your computer. let's not forget the applications that allow one to, for example, learn new languages, link your telescope to the computer to search for stars in the night sky, stick mathematical formulas into word documents, and the hoi polloi of other interesting, exciting, and novel things to do there. For those who want it, there are programs called crossovers which allow one to use Windows based things like IE and Powerpoint in Linux. It so happens that Fedora Core is free, and so, I think, is SUSE, Mandrake, and the host of other different versions of Linux. Think about getting Linux.
P.S. I would love comments to this blog, for I am certainly not an expert on Linux.


Trying to get a picture on the blog that every one cans actually see.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

From School

Strange, someone told me that posting from school wouldn't work. Oh well. I just finished my AP US History exam, or rather about two hours ago, and i am a bit bored. Yet today, while I was studying for the exam at school, I finished H.G. Wells' story "War in the Air" at It describes a war which is fought worldwide with huge dirigibles and small planes by every country in the war. It is started by the Germans, who go to America and almost immediately obliterate New York. The story is told in third-person through an Englishman, Bert Smallways, and how he sees this all unfold. Added to the fact that all the major capitals are destroyed, there then comes world economic collapse and depression. Yet the story is still very good.

Saturday, December 17, 2005, which is currently free, is pretty much Microsoft Word on the Web. This means that you can use it to write word documents which you then save to writely. These can be accessed by you or anyone you wish to allow to see from any computer, because it's on the Web. You can also work with someone else on these documents, together, simultaneously even. I encourage one and all to set up a (free) account as soon as possible.

Mozilla Firefox

We all use Internet Explorer, or have used until we saw that Firefox and others were better. Firefox is and Internet browser, just as IE is. Yet I like it so much that I use it most and rarely, if ever, use IE. Try it out. Here is a link which, I am afraid, you'll have to copy-paste into the URL place to get to it. Use this to download Firefox:

here are some miscellaneous links.
Once you get there, you'll know why there is nothing that I wrote about this site.
(For those of you who like these things.)
I forgot to add that I love science-fiction as well.

Some of my garden

I love gardening, though I do it all, or mostly all, in pots. Here are some pics:

By the way, there is a small butterfly on that flower, though it is hard to notice.

My little eggplant.

Here, by the way, is me outside the Contemporary Arts museum wearing an "instant mohawk" from the gift shop. It didn't quite fit, so my eyes are slanted, as it also pulled my skin.


You know, unless my school denies access to this site to the students using the computers and the internet on its system, I was thinking of making this some kind of representative of some of the concerns of the students, though only in some cases. Otherwise, there will be reviews and such things of books here, interesting links, funny stuff, and most certainly articles on new technology, such as blogs for one, new Google releases, and technologies and alternative products already available but little known about among some people, especially among many students of my scool.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Hello everybody!

This is so cool!
I just set up my blog. What surprised me is that I made my own link. Right now the name is a bit lame, but most likely I'll change it later.