Thursday, May 09, 2019

A visit to the Westbury Community Garden

A month ago with the coming of spring, I realized that additional planting ground would be lovely. A balcony garden is all well and good until you see that it takes care of itself on an automated watering schedule.

I tried a couple of time to ask to become a member of the Westbury Community Garden, but no bueno. So finally I visited the garden itself, hoping a friendly member might be there already. And so it was! Unfortunately membership is closed, but maybe there could be an opening later in the summer? I volunteered just to rake and weed, gratis, if only to be among a plethora of vegetables, and maybe this could still pan out.

An artichoke plant! Never seen such a thing before, let alone in Houston

Masses of tall swiss chard

A sea of dill

Young squashes growing, with clover as a ground cover (probably nitrogen-fixing).

Russian word for golddigger

There is none. Russians just don't have such a word. And "one who digs for gold" isn't it.

I was introduced to, and am working through the episodes. Too funny, and witty.

In the space of one day I learned that I'll be in Pittsburgh next week. Made plans, booked travel. And after a call, learned that due to delays (again), Pittsburgh is called off. Probably. But the only people who could give me confirmation are either flying on places or on PTO. Such is the life of consulting. I'm not averse to leading meetings or working through details alone, I just don't like not being included on all planning meetings. Context is important, and knowing what the client has already told us, or the manager, is valuable. How can we project a consistent image if I repeat questions they've already answered? Also I'm freaking out because there's a whole piece of this seven-week project no one has told me any information about. And it's the area I'm least familiar with....

On a different note, the last two weeks have seen me learning about lights again. The last time this occurred I was a freshman in college, hunting for oversized fluorescent lightbulbs with very blue colors most conducive to seedling growth. Now, after six years of a too-dim apartment, I've been illuminating the main room with new lamps, from Ikea and Target. Bought some extremely expensive LED bulbs, but boy do they put out a lot of light. It's amazing how much better everything looks with a lot of light - the apartment looks bigger too. Now there are two reading corners. All that's left is to get a different Ikea Poang chair and we'll be good to go.

Lights without chair. A reading light with an extra large CFL, highest for the fitting, and an illumination lap at highest setting, bright enough to illuminate the whole room. The picture doesn't do it justice.

Battery problems on Thinkpad laptop

The thinkpad t460p I bought a while back has suffered from persistent battery issues. Namely, the latch that fits the battery wiggles from side to side. And once it's loose, it can't go back. Instead of buying a whole new laptop, I've temporarily taped the battery in place so the laptop doesn't die everytime it's moved. But it's not a perfect solution, so at some point I'll just have to go for a new laptop (but for parts off Ebay), which is much cheaper.