Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Reading fun stuff

Thanks to a fortunate stroke of luck, I'm in another city in a holding pattern, waiting on a client to give me (us) work to do. In the meantime there's stuff to read and news inputs to improve, e.g. TweetDeck - now it's all pretty and Twitter is usable for information again.

https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.03453v1.pdf - my favorite video from this paper is the following: Evolving Soft Robots with Multiple Materials

Was also sent this article about Getting up to Speed with Ethereum, and indeed it's quite the crash course. Currently I'm bogged down in Ethereum DNS equivalent proposal and envisioning alternate browsers. Oh wait there already is one, kinda, called Mist

After the Ethereum crash course I plan to read through the resources on this Technet article about Active Directory and only then start creating an Active Directory lab.

With all this spare time, I'm also making improvements to music downloading scripts and other random stuff. For instance, yesterday afternoon was spent in a frustrating attempt to get the Pineapple Nano "Portal Auth" and "Captive Portal" modules to work, but no matter what I do, cloning websites just doesn't work. The nano's native ASH shell doesn't help either. I'll keep at it but at some point it will be easier to just host my own web server, with a copy of the login portal, then host the portal somehow and overpower nearby broadcast APs with my signal.

In other news, I'd installed a new Graylog VM to take Nzyme inputs on a system with more resources. It worked fine for a few days while connected to the homelab, but apparently on VPN it can't take the same input... which makes sense given that it's got the NAT'ed address. What's worse, even on NAT the web interface fails to load completely all while the CPU usage is completely maxed. So that's another thing to hunt down, because I'd like to gather 10-20 GB worth of data to mess with yet some other time.

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