Monday, January 22, 2018

Installing Veil Evasion in Kali Linux

This issue could be specific to this laptop model - which is an HP Elitebook 8460p, but if not I hope someone will find this information useful. If installing Veil from, you may encounter a problem after restarting the machine where X (window manager) just won't start. For reference, I use Gnome on Kali 2017.2. The problem is that the installation of Wine performed as part of the Veil install removes three critical packages:

libqt4-opengl-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dev. An apt-get install of these should fix the issue. I would recommend adding these back after the Veil install has finished, or you'll need to boot into safe mode, bring up a network interface (for eth0 on a DHCP-enabled network you can plug in a network cable and start NetworkManager), and then install from there.

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