Friday, May 27, 2016

Eruv lights

The LED lights came yesterday! They look very nice, though the connection to the solar panel + battery seems a bit flimsy. It does go on automatically, which is nice. Here's a picture of radiant mint:

It should look even nicer without a porch light adding illumination.

In other news, two days ago I discovered that Shavuot actually starts Saturday night. It does not overlap with Shabbat. There will be a three day chag. This is not good, as I have to change all my flights and and take an extra day off on the 13th. Additionally, I can no longer guarantee having power on the last day of Shavuot. If I'd known about this earlier then probably I wouldn't have registered for the camp. But Gam Zu LeTova, it's happening, and I've gotta work around it.

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