Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A bit of politics

"While President Morsi has made some lukewarm statements about the responsibility of the Egyptian government to protect diplomatic missions, he has issued much stronger words denouncing the film.

Indeed, he has demanded the United States take "all possible legal action" against the producers of the movie, an indication he does not fully understand our First Amendment. "

From this:

Normally I wouldn't stick the usual inflammatory politics in this blog, but why is it that Muslims worldwide protest so much when someone somewhere insults Muhammad? Is Allah not all-powerful that he can not punish the perpetrator himself? Why must Muhammad and thus Allah be defended by the puny people on Earth?

If someone creates a video lampooning God, Abraham, or Moses, that's their problem. A chillul Hashem, certainly, but not something I should protest by disturbing others. God the Omnipotent can surely deal with this. Why, oh why is Allah any different?

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