Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Flood of 2012

Yesterday, in what was probably a freak occurrence, an upper low dumped 1-2 inches overnight over the area. Then, between 9 and 11 AM, an additional 4-5 inches came down, with rainfall rates of 2 inches in 15 minutes on a bayou two miles away. That skinny trunk of a bayou couldn't handle the elephant of water and flooded the neighborhood streets, despite the fact that it (the neighborhood) sits nowhere near a flood zone. Here are some pictures:

That's the bayou nearly cresting in the Medical Center area.

A familiar intersection along the way to school, nowhere near a bayou.

The high water at this point of the highway swallowed up a Mustang.

The end of our street, which didn't even flood during Allison 10 years ago. It was truly astounding (water 2 feet deep at the end), since it happened in just half-an-hour, almost as fast as the infamous 1000-point Dow drop. People unaccustomed to flooding found themselves facing yawning lakes, and turned back because of the alligators.

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