Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Calculus 1 Textbook off of Casa

Math 1431, Cal 1, (UH) has its textbook online. Until now, it was accessible as an open link. Now, however, you have to log in to CASA, to see it. But what if CASA is overloaded? You can't see your book.
Solution: Use DownThemAll, an addon in FF, to download all the links in the book, but filter it to take just the pdfs. Granted, the site-structure isn't preserved, but at least you have the book offline, to examine at your leisure. Here is a link to the book with all the pdfs in order of lesson, including material, exercises, and review worksheets.Calculus Textbook
Here is the tarball of the same package. Calculus Textbook.tar.gz

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