Sunday, March 04, 2007

Happy Purim (and a little nahafoch hu story)

As I was riding out on my bike to photograph people in Purim costumes, my camera, that I had just placed carelessly in my sweatshirt pocket, fell out onto the pavement. I rode back home, in shock, and only cried when my mom told me that $400 just went down the drain. After three minutes, I tried the "ON" button, and lo and behold, the camera worked. Great nahafoch hu case. My camera must be pretty sturdy to survive a five foot fall from a bike traveling at 14 miles per hour onto hard cement. It did incur some scratches, and the optical viewfinder is useless. The latter also jiggles a bit when the zoom goes back inside after being zoomed out. Otherwise my camera still works.

1 comment:

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

My camera fell out of my pocket a few weeks ago when I was shoveling snow. It was still snowing like crazy, and by the time I figured out it was missing, it was completely buried; if a tip of the carrying strap hadn't been poking out, I would never have found it. When I pulled it out, it was, essential, a camera encased in an ice cube. I wrapped it in a towel to soak up any thawing ice, placed it a few feet away from a space heater to evaporate condensation, and voila! works like a dream! I have to write Sony!