Thursday, March 16, 2006

I'm Back.

Sorry I don't write much, but I 'm trying to get off an Internet addiction that keeps me up 'till past 12:00 AM sometimes. Also, if you don't like that most of my posts are pictures, and you think that it's getting boring, then don't look at the blog. With that matter over with, I Would like to say that I express myself best with pictures.
I was a girl for Purim, and a photo of that will soon follow, as weel as some Hamantashen. I got a research paper from Mrs. Sternthal that will be an any topic we care too pick, and I have no clue as to which to pick out of my numerous multifarious ideas, whether deep-sea life, robotics, or Terry Pratchett. On March 29, we will go to the UH library for help on this.

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