Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.
A trip to Home Depot a while backhad my mom snapping photos left and right.


Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.

White Orchid

White Orchid
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.

Unfurling leaf of fern

Unfurling leaf of fern
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.

Baby toes succulent

Baby toes succulent
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.
The "windows" on top of each toe lets light in for photosynthesis.

Split-rock Succulent

Split-rock Succulent
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.

Young Celosia plant

Young Celosia plant
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.


Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.


Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.

Flower spike of an agave

Flower spike of an agave
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.

Me standing next to the flower spike of an agave

In the neighborhood. When I first discovered it, I got home as fast as possible, told my mom, adn we zoomed back to take these pictures.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Red Honeysuckle

Red Honeysuckle
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.

Ducklings cleaning themselves

Ducklings cleaning themselves
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.
Beware of some of their eyes.

A brood of ducklings

A brood of ducklings
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.

Flowing water.

Flowing water.
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.
Rebecca took this picture.


Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.


Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.


Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.

Cute duckling

Cute duckling
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.
Elena I know this is dear to your heart. We caight several ducklings and petted them. Quite docile, with no fear of humans yet. I released one too late and then it spent 10 minutes waddling back to mommy, all the while peeping loudly.

Rebecca in the air

Rebecca in the air
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.
Fun and excitement at the Japanese Garden on Sunday


Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.
Tell me: why do I like this photo?

Loquat clusters

Loquat clusters
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.
The harvest is really revving up, and my high school gemara class has just been introduced to this fruit; in the case of the rabbi, to the existence of this fruit in our neighborhood.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Crazy lizard!

Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.


Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.


Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.

Lemon and flowers

Lemon and flowers
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.

loving baobbs

loving baobbs
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.

I'm Back.

Sorry I don't write much, but I 'm trying to get off an Internet addiction that keeps me up 'till past 12:00 AM sometimes. Also, if you don't like that most of my posts are pictures, and you think that it's getting boring, then don't look at the blog. With that matter over with, I Would like to say that I express myself best with pictures.
I was a girl for Purim, and a photo of that will soon follow, as weel as some Hamantashen. I got a research paper from Mrs. Sternthal that will be an any topic we care too pick, and I have no clue as to which to pick out of my numerous multifarious ideas, whether deep-sea life, robotics, or Terry Pratchett. On March 29, we will go to the UH library for help on this.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Video of touch screens

Multi-Touch screens

"The World of Smartboards, Sympodiums is about to change

The technology is multi-touch screens, developed at NYU (as per post on the Cult of Mac blog). And the interesting part is that Apple has patented these interactions, which means... a TabletMac?"

Once you watch this you'll start thinking about the applications of this technology, such as in gaming and in organizing things and in teaching kids.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bee on flower

Bee on flower
Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.
Out of eight photos, this one came out as a masterpiece, a fact I didn't know until it was in Picasa.

Beautiful China

I recommend this highly.