Thursday, January 12, 2006

Plan for Community service

I have developed a plan to get community service from the school by planting drought-tolerant, low-care, and heat-tolerant annuals, perennials, and wildflowers in an area of the school grounds, most likely a bit of land in the main parking lot of the school. I have submitted my plan to the principal, Mrs. McCracken, and she will e-mail it to the members of the school board for them to vote for it by e-mail. Due to the recent frost that suddenly occured here I will change my plans a bit and, after weeding out the area, plant a variety of bulbs there for a show now till spring, which is when I can actually plant what I want to, namely flowers like gloriosa daisy, cosmos, and blue fescue grass. I'm doing all of this partly because it gives me a chance to see what how some plants will grow in 8 hours of sun and truly little water.

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