Have refurbished my website.
Have been following a reddit user making a convincing long-term case for thermal coal as a potent investment opportunity (3-5 year horizon), as well as copper in advance of inevitable copper shortages, as lithium supply is greatly increasing while copper is not. Today read a comment or linked page that made the argument that ESG works against creating a stable environment and political support for oil companies to invest in wells and supply versus share buybacks or dividends to shareholders.
Considering this writer references Simon Michaux (author of several extremely well-sourced papers that indicate that there's not even remotely enough green minerals to electrify Europe, let alone transition to green everything), I'm inclined to believe them.
Also the Low Tech Magazine is now entirely solar powered which is super cool.
Unrelated: https://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2023/02/can-we-make-bicycles-sustainable-again.html