Thursday, September 27, 2018

Warning: Politics

Thanks, former colleague and friend on Facebook, you say it better than I've heard in a while:

and I had a long talk last night where I brought evidence to many claims he made. When presented with facts, he demanded respect for his system of beliefs in exchange for him respecting mine. Although I appreciate the sentiment, this isn't a give and take for me. This conversation made me lose all respect for this former friend, and I do not wish to surround myself with people of his system of belief. This is deeper than politics, it's about what you stand for. If you idolize someone that is a collective symbol of hatred, racism, misogyny, anti-intellectualism, cowardice, extreme hubris, there is no room for you in my life and I'm drawing the line there. I don't care if you're a democrat, republican, conservative, liberal, identify as an asexual dial up modem internet connected toaster, or(in this case) if we were childhood/highschool/college friends. If you reject facts and evidence, it's time for the story of our connection to come to an end. I'm proud to be a Texan and proud be an example that not all of us are the stereotypical dimwitted racist simpletons that are too often propagated in the news to the rest of the world.