Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Little work interlude

Monday night I flew to LA. Tuesday evening I flew to Detroit, arriving early Wednesday morning. Wednesday I'm spending onsite, and this evening if TS Cindy doesn't delay the flight Houston will be all around me again. Very busy, and there wasn't much sleep to be had on the plane from LA. On the plus side I've seen some impressive oil&gas structures, unbelievably complex piping and all.

Remember, it's GPX files that you need to format in SublimeText, because it has the best alignment of times to latitude/longitude items.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Exciting upcoming BlackHat talk

James Kettle of PortSwigger will talk about bug bounties for DoD and back-end web services:

EyeWitness is an invaluable tool that takes nmap results and scans/screenshots web services found in those results. Since integrating it into my pentests it's come in handy to report services that have HTTP content of some sort exposed internally.  It's intriguing to see how much content is available, and how often it uses default passwords. The next step in my testing will be to learn how to increase the severity of other issues by changing settings through the web interfaces.

Thursday, June 08, 2017

Parsing .Nessus Files Part 2

A short update on improving Melcara's parse_nessus perl script:

My primary issue with the original, which took the most time, was sorting outputted IP addresses in the "Vulnerability to IP summary" sheet. A couple hours of investigation found that sorting those in the perl script was easier said than done.

my $ip = join "\n", keys %{$ip_vuln_data{$file}->{$sev}->{$plugin}->{ip}};e>

That's the line that creates a scalar string of IPs, separated by (invisible) newlines in the Excel cells. Turns out you can't easily sort that string. You might ask, ok, how about $ip_vuln_data:

# store data in the %ip_vuln_data hash
        $ip_vuln_data{$host->{file}}->{$h_report->{-severity}}->{$h_report->{-pluginID}}->{pluginName} = $h_report->{-pluginName};
        if ($host->{'host-ip'} eq "") {$ip_vuln_data{$host->{file}}->{$h_report->{-severity}}->{$h_report->{-pluginID}}->{ip}->{$host->{'name'}}++;}

Looks like it's searching a $h_report string to create a 'name','host-ip' hash (forgive my phrasing, Perl is not native tongue).

What if we go even earlier in the process? How does it get the string data?

Somewhere in here, it's parsing the .Nessus file. Later I realized that you can't control the order of IP addresses in the export of the .nessus file from Nessus, so it was back to the original location.

Then I found a solution here, and adjusted it thus:

                #convert unsorted string to array  
                my @ip2 = split("\n",$ip);
                #print @ip2;

                my @sorted_ips =
                    map  { $_->[0] }
                    sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
                    map  { [ $_, eval { Net::IP->new( $_ )->intip } ] }

                #convert back to newline-seperated string
                my $ip2 = join "\n", @sorted_ips;

Now, the contents of the cells is invisibly new-line separated, and in order. Now to pack it into a new executable:

pp -M JSON -M PAR::Dist -M URI::Escape -M LWP::UserAgent -M HTTP::Cookies -M Data::Dump -M Data::Dumper -M XML::Hash::XS -M XML::TreePP -M MIME::Base64 -M Math::Round -M Excel::Writer::XLSX  -M Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart -M Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Pie -M Data::Table -M Getopt::Std -M Net::IP

And we are good to go! Get it here.

Next steps: Add the ability to merge Nessus files to this script.

Update 5-22-18: I'm adjusting the original post to help anyone who's actually trying to re-create this.

To get this to work:

1. Add "use Net::IP" at the top of the perl file.
2. Where the original file has:
my $ip = join ";", keys %{$ip_vuln_data{$file}->{$sev}->{$plugin}->{ip}};

mine has the following (changes in bold):
         my $ip = join "\n", keys %{$ip_vuln_data{$file}->{$sev}->{$plugin}->{ip}};  
         #convert unsorted string to array  
         my @ip2 = split("\n",$ip);  
         my @sorted_ips =  
           map { $_->[0] }  
           sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }  
           map { [ $_, eval { Net::IP->new( $_ )->intip } ] }  
         print @sorted_ips;  
         #convert back to newline-seperated string  
         my $ip2 = join "\n", @sorted_ips;  
         my $ip_cnt = keys %{$ip_vuln_data{$file}->{$sev}->{$plugin}->{ip}};  
         $ip_vuln_data_worksheet->write($ip_vuln_data_ctr, 0, $file,$cell_format);  
         $ip_vuln_data_worksheet->write($ip_vuln_data_ctr, 1, $severity,$cell_format);  
         $ip_vuln_data_worksheet->write($ip_vuln_data_ctr, 2, $plugin,$cell_format);  
         $ip_vuln_data_worksheet->write($ip_vuln_data_ctr, 3, $ip_vuln_data{$file}->{$sev}->{$plugin}->{pluginName},$cell_format);  
         $ip_vuln_data_worksheet->write($ip_vuln_data_ctr, 4, $ip_cnt,$cell_format);  
         $ip_vuln_data_worksheet->write($ip_vuln_data_ctr, 5, $ip2,$cell_format);  

For reference, here is the perl file with my additional formatting changes.

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

So many Projects to do!

Here's an incomplete list of all my projects, planned and desired, at least for brain-dump purposes. Some of this is from a year ago.


Try to get PluginDetect working on old versions of IE/firefox
*           Figure out reverse DNS for rubber ducky
*           Set up a web-app pentest system – outline, pictures, file structure – in progress
*           Social Engineering Toolkit
*           Play with Metasploit on Metasploitable 2
*           Learn to firewall
*           Wireshark Packet analysis
*           Play with tshark
*           OpenStack
*           Play with Word Macros for Social Engineering
*           iptables
*             Arachni web scanner
*             Nikto Scanner
*             Last four blog posts on Burp Suite suite – cool XSS and exploits to research
*             BH & Defcon videos on application security – last few years


Replace Linksys Router with Edgerouter X
COnfigure a pfsense firewall to actually do things on my network
Build a DMZ as a branch from primary router first, then later move to edge and internal firewall configuration
Monitor network traffic live?
Learn PHP to be able to build a web page to automatically download and save Youtube audio to my plex server.
Keep working on a script to display Tor Relay traffic in color on a Pimoroni
Figure out IPTables
Get good at Wireshark
Set up DVWA and play with Arachni at it, also dirbrute.
Keep working on DVWS. 
Find an alternative to Lubuntu - it's great but not ideal.
Read "The Tangled Web"
Automate everything heheh.
Sit down and figure out munin-plugins to customize Munin display
Get Tor Relay into Munin

 Edit: Scripts for Nessus output, scripts for nmap, scripts for everything....