Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Say hello to Fedora Core 7

In the dog days of summer, absorbed as I am in the most interesting year of AFA ever, I post very little. However, I'd like to say that 1.5 years after I advocated Linux as an alternative operating system, I am, with the help of my dad, adapting to Red Hat's latest Fedora Core release, No. 7. Daddy allocated hald the hard drive for music and pictures previously existing on the Windows hard drive, and carefully installed Fedora to bypass that mount point. This all began when I decided to get FC7 instead of Freespire. This is how it went: FC7, then a retry of FC7, and then again. Then to Freespire, then back to FC7. Then attempt at Ubuntu, then finally back to FC7 again. So here I am, happy with what I have, and exulting in this OS and its numerous apps and support options.

P.S. I will try to put more pictures on again.