Friday, July 14, 2006

Back again.

Cicada in a bottle
Ripe and unripe cherry tomatoes
Mother: Fish eye

Soon my moratorium on mother-allowed Internet use will end, and I will update more regularly, especially as AFA is almost over (tomorrow is the last day). I had too many mistakes with my piece (by Mendelssohn) that were prevealent after the dress rehearsal, so Mr. Morrales, the piano teacher, informed me with great gravity that he could not let me play. I, fo course was mighty sad, and he and Dr. Remson, the administrator, talked with mommy about this when she came to pick me up. That aside, I can now truly begin my summer, especially since I've just had five weeks of fairly intense music study, which has not really allowed me to do much else. Agenda: Study for PSAT in October, learn JavaScript, burn our LP (and possibly cassetes) into audio files on the computer, which will then be transferred onto CDs, along with labels and descriptions, to increase our CD library size to over 600 CDs. In addition, I will earn much community service, get to my overly (or is that overtly?) neglected garden, and bring it up to shape, and listen to music. It promises to be a stimulating and imformative four weeks. What follow are several of the best photos of recent times, i.e. past month. Those taken by my mother will be denoted as such.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Originally uploaded by ykfungicide.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Hello World!

I will not post regularly for a while because I am not allowed Internet use by my mother until July 20, i.e. a whole month, as a result of coming out to her car from AFA and making her wait for 15 minutes.